So im now 20!! No longer a teenager!! Feels bit strange!! so am i had a brilliant weekend!! started off last thursday when i randomly ended up in classic! wasen't even planning on going out then one of the lads persuade me!! What can i say im easy to convince! Wasent really drinking but was still good! So then was out friday, saturday and sunday nite in Kinsale! I know like whats up with me, oh well suppose was my birthday! All very good nights i must say! Some intertesting stories.. but this really isnt the place for them!!! Sunday night been the highlight of it birthday shots n all at midnight!! :)
So then monday was my offical birthday! Missed half the day cause i was passed out in one of the lads's house in town!! So got home about 2 and went for lunch with my sister and mum which was nice.. then we went to mags's house last nite for a few social drinks! was so wrecked from the weekend didn't really think i could drink!! Still managed it tho!:D Had a great laugh our friend from first Tara even called up was great to see her and catch up!! So then on in to rafters/havanns not sure which one! great laugh in there so back to mags's again after.. and a random stroll down to eden hall to niamh's at half 5 in the morning aswell as u do lik!!
Marian u made the night tho.. all ill say is chips!!!:X
And emma i have that birthday sex song stuck in my head all day cause of u!!!! grrrr... here's a pic!
So busy week of college ahead now.. got to do that web essay.. so looking forward to that! 3000 words and no plagrism.. ill barely get 30 never mind 3000!!! Online collabration tools??!! hmm.. thats sounds fun! How much is it even worth like?? told nothing this year! databases exam friday.. should be fun...NOT!:( and some assessment in HRM thursday great! freaked even at the thought of it!!!!
Not really anything planned for the rest of the week.. workin only thursday and friday night for few hours so its grand like! Laura is making me a birthday dinner actually tomorrow nice so thats something to do!! Gonna try not too drink that will not happen, i know that myself like!! Prob end up having a bottle of wine with dinner now or something!!! Oh well i'll try!!!
anyways thats my weekly update done getting very into this now think ill be keeping it up!! gonna go chaeck farmville now on facebook!! Laters!!
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