About Me

Currently a 3rd year student in CIT studying Business Admin.. Lovin da college life more the social life tho!!! Living and working down in Kinsale.. Gettin bored now so ill blog more later!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

so were in week.. ??? WHAT NOW??!!

Hey hey back to college after the long bank holiday weekend! And it was a long one!!!!! Was out both saturday and sunday night but wasen't really drinking.. i know like what's up with me?!! Strange being in a club sober!! Had work sunday and monday morning at 8...was torture!!! Still tho it was a good weekend, bit boring but what harm! Was out with the gang last thursday night too, drinking in eden hall and then down to the loft.. and after in to am havanna's(or cubins where i thought i was for some reason!!!) hmmm very drunkies to say the least!!! good enough night in the end tho i guess!
So this week is haloween week and im not even going out for it!! =(=(
Had a bit too much drink lately and im working 2nite and tomorrow night 6 to 10.30.. but off then till the following thursday!!!! Cause its my birthday week next Monday!!! Whoo cant wait now gonna be mental, and gonna be ver drunk!!!! Going out at the weekend at home, but to be honest more looking forward to the night out with all the gang in Cork! Party in Mags house as usual next monday November 2nd!!! Everyone welcome! Even Marian is coming out so we can guartee a good and eventful night!!! Gonna be 20 no longer a tennager!!!! =( =)
So im gonna be good in college now today and tomorrow because we have only 1 class on friday so i wont be in to be honest! We have law project due in today and not one of us have it done!! What a disgrace!! Oh well group effort i guess! When one does it we'll all do it!! Think myself and linds are gonna try and get it done today! And the web applications essay... tomorrrow!!!
Anyway nearly 12 o clock so im getting off now!! Ill be updating this next week and let you all know about my birthday!!! Untill then good luck and happy halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


hey hey

so week 6 in college time is flying by!!! here now updating my blog while i should be studying for MIS exam!!! eeck oh well!! So 2day i was in for 9 whoo go me!!! HRM class at 9 might aswell not have been there me lindz and mar had a laugh anyway tho!!

So off work now for the week thank god but working for the weekend can never win like!!! Didnt get up 2 much last wkend really had a boring enough wkend to b honest!!!

Dunno wat the plan for the week is really maybe a session on thursday maybe.. Not sure yet but were off friday thank god!

Well im off now cause im stuck here again till 5!! Great!! Haha

Chat laters!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

week 5 in college,,, ahhh!!!!

well back to college on a tuesday as usual i just dont do mondays!! ok so time to cop on and start attending my lectures well im in web applications now for the first time in like 2 weeks so at least thats something! stuck here now till 5 today and have a database exam at 3!! eeeeecckkkk!!! and workin then at 6!!

had a good weekend wrkin for most of it had a eventful time by losing an important store room key! no idea how that happened! oh well not my fault even tho it was!!!

then out sunday nite and got home at 6 monday evening!! some nite!!! wat a laugh!!!!! lovin the randomoness!!!!!

im off drink def this week well at least till thursday!!

Off to wilton there now in a min wit marian for lunch!! oh and must get my phone back off stephen!

ok better start listening to colin!
