About Me

Currently a 3rd year student in CIT studying Business Admin.. Lovin da college life more the social life tho!!! Living and working down in Kinsale.. Gettin bored now so ill blog more later!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ok well kinda getting used to this blogging thing.. give me a week and ill be hooked on it just like facebook and bebo!!!
Sitting in class here now just trying to sort it out!!
Working now 2nit allerg.. as im in college till 5..:(
But really looking forward to tomorr nite for lindsay's birthday party on!!!
Ok getting off now so add me or watever if my name will ever appear on Colins list!!!
Talk to ya's later

Right Now

So at the moment I am now a 3rd Year student in CIT studying Business Admin.

Im happy to be back in college and looking forward to the coming weeks.